How to stay safe in summer heat?

How can I be safe in the heat?

Be aware of family members who are struggling to keep cool, especially older people with multiple health problems and those who live alone. Stay indoors. Draw the curtains on windows that face the sun. Drink plenty of fluids. Never leave anyone, especially children, alone in a room or car. Avoid sunlight from 11 am to 3 pm. At this time the sun's rays are most intense. Take shelter in the shade. Use sunscreen. Wear a long hat cap, turban, hat on your head. Avoid physical activity or exercise during the hottest part of the day. Take water with you when you go somewhere. If you see a pond or canal bill somewhere, don't go down there to cool off, because there may be many more dangers that may not be visible at the moment. You can wear cool socks when you go to bed at night, and go to bed at the same time you go to bed on other days.

What is heat stroke
Photo of heat stroke patient

What happens to the human body in intense heat?

As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, the human body also gets hot. As a result, the blood vessels open up. This results in a drop in blood pressure that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. Mild symptoms can occur, including skin rashes, itching, and swelling of the legs caused by dilated blood vessels. In addition, due to excessive sweating, the amount of fluid and salt in the body decreases, and if the amount of salt in the body increases, water can accumulate in the heart. Symptoms of cold, cough, pneumonia, covid etc. can appear from body sweat due to intense heat or exertion. All these combined can cause heat exhaustion and the symptoms are: dizziness, nausea or vomiting, lethargy, fainting, muscle spasms, headache, profuse sweating, fatigue, and high blood pressure. Deficiency may increase the risk of heart attack.


What to do if you see someone suffering in the heat?

If someone can be cooled down in such a situation within half an hour, a major risk can be avoided. Remove it to a cool place. Lie down and raise your legs slightly. Drink plenty of water or other fluids. Take measures to cool his skin, such as splashing cold water on his body or wiping his body with a sponge. Air them out. You can cool the body by placing ice packs on the neck and under the armpits. If it does not normalize within half an hour, the risk of heat stroke may increase. Then contact the doctor on an urgent basis. Remember that someone suffering from heat stroke may not sweat. Their temperature may exceed 40 degrees Celsius and they may lose consciousness.



Illnesses that can occur in summer

In extreme heat, the human body usually becomes dehydrated due to excessive sweating. Due to dehydration, the human body quickly weakens. In addition, indigestion and upset stomach and water-borne diseases can occur at this time. Diarrhea can be caused by various viruses, including rotavirus. Dizziness and nausea, some may even vomit. Such illnesses are usually avoidable with a little caution. But if someone has shortness of breath, chest pain, weakness, dizziness or dizziness during excessive heat, then a doctor should be consulted immediately.


Symptoms of health risk due to overheating are

Feeling unwell, dehydration, severe headache, insomnia, body aches, muscle pain, food aversion, skin lesions, kidney and lung problems, respiratory problems, heart problems, heat stroke, heat cramps


What is a heat stroke?

If the body temperature rises during intense heat and falls ill, it is called heat stroke. Many times it results in the death of the patient. The normal human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. But for some reason, if the body temperature exceeds 104 degrees, the blood pressure of the body decreases, then people can become unconscious. The part of the brain that controls body temperature loses control over the body due to extreme temperatures. Then in the language of medical science it is called heat stroke.

Staying in intense heat for a long time or working hard usually causes dehydration in the body. It also increases body temperature. During intense heat, the body tries to cool the body by releasing sweat. But in intense heat, the body becomes so dry that it cannot even sweat. Then the body temperature increases. Then the body suffers from heat stroke. Heat stroke can be preceded by high body temperature, headache, weakness, chills, nausea. Besides, skin color may become red, mental imbalance, convulsions, heart rate may increase.


What are the symptoms of heatstroke?

It has various symptoms. Some of the main ones are headache and dizziness. Physical discomfort, restlessness, confusion will occur. The skin on the body will look hot, red and dry. The affected person's ability to respond will slow down. His pulse will continue to accelerate. Body temperature will rise above 40 degrees Celsius. The affected person may also lose consciousness at some point. The relation of heat with sweat, in heat we sweat a lot. Sweating is a process of cooling the human body. But it works less if the surrounding heat is equal to or higher than our skin temperature. And it disrupts the process of keeping the body cool.
Initially, a skin rash may appear. The skin may swell. If it is too hot, the human body works extra hard to cool down. Blood vessels become enlarged. The skin works harder to sweat. Skin swelling occurs. It occurs in the feet and ankles. If the body sweats more and the blood pressure rises, it can become a bigger problem. Heat can affect the heart. Heart attack can be caused by prolonged exposure to heat which can affect the heart. People who have heart problems or who are at risk of having a heart attack in such situations. Many people die each year in Mexico and Indonesia from heat-related complications. It occurs when the body can no longer adjust to the heat outside. This is more likely if the temperature goes from 38 to 42, as well as if the humidity is high.

Avoid working in the sun or in the heat during intense heat to avoid this. But if for any reason you have to work in the field or outside in the sun, you must use an umbrella. Also, drink plenty of water during summer. Ursaline should be taken repeatedly if there is no diabetes or high blood pressure. Also, white clothes and soft cotton clothes should be used during summer. Such clothes keep the body cool. Field or outdoor work can be done earlier or later rather than in intense sunlight.

Who is more at risk in extreme heat?

No matter where we are, be it a blizzard or a scorching heat - our body always tries to keep its temperature at 37 degrees Celsius. Because our body can function properly within this temperature. But when the weather heats up, our bodies have to work harder to keep our core temperatures down. Blood vessels near the skin open to release heat from the body and the body begins to sweat. When that sweat evaporates as water vapor, it dramatically increases the surrounding temperature, but cools the skin as a result. They may not be able to handle the stress that intense heat puts on their bodies. People with diabetes can lose body water very quickly. This disease can also cause changes in the blood vessels which can reduce the body's ability to sweat. People with brain diseases such as dementia may be unaware of heat and unable to do anything about it. Those who do not have a home can be at risk due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Those who live in the topmost flats of the building also have to endure more heat.

Who is the most dangerous in the summer?

In 2003, 70,000 people died due to intense wildfires in Europe. In 2010, fires caused the death of 56,000 people in Russia. The World Health Organization says the elderly, children, pregnant women, athletes and those involved in occupations that involve manual labor outside are most at risk. People who do manual labor outdoors like farmers, laborers, day laborers, and drivers are at risk because they spend more time under the sun. Physical labor in hot weather makes the body hotter. It also happens more in people who do manual labor outside.
Children, elderly people, pregnant women, disabled people, day laborers, rickshaw pullers, farmers, construction workers, overweight people especially those with multiple complications like heart disease, high blood pressure.

Elderly people or those with long-term conditions such as heart disease are at the greatest health risk due to heat. They may not be able to handle the stress that intense heat puts on their bodies. People with diabetes can lose body water very quickly. This disease can also cause changes in the blood vessels which can reduce the body's ability to sweat. This risk is also higher in children. People with brain diseases such as dementia may be unaware of heat and unable to do anything about it. Those who do not have a home can be at risk due to prolonged exposure to the sun.
Those who live in the topmost flats of the building also have to endure more heat. In 2003, 70,000 people died due to intense wildfires in Europe. In 2010, fires caused the death of 56,000 people in Russia. People who do manual labor outdoors, such as farmers or rickshaw pullers, are at risk because they spend more time under the sun. Physical labor in summer makes the body hotter. It is more common in sportsmen as well as those who do physical work outdoors. In excess of heat, sprinkle water repeatedly.

Every year many people die in summer. In England this number is around 2,000. Most of these deaths are due to heat-related heart attacks and strokes. Most of the time this happens while trying to keep the body temperature stable. Acute burns can also cause death. There are intense fires in different countries around the world. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic recorded their highest temperatures in June. Temperatures in northern India soared above 50 degrees last week. More than 100 people died in the terrible fire there.

Children's skin problems in summer

In hot and humid weather, the prevalence of infectious diseases on the skin of children increases. According to the data obtained from the survey, 20-30 percent of children suffer from illness only because of skin diseases. A baby's skin structure is different and imperfect than an adult's. Their skin layers are thin and not fully developed, the intercellular junction is weak, oil or sebum and sweat secretion is low. Children are more prone to infectious and inflammatory diseases and various skin diseases, including allergies, due to the fact that the immune system and the senses are not fully activated. In hot and humid weather, the prevalence of infectious diseases on the skin of children increases. Measles, chicken pox and impetigo are common in our country. These skin diseases are contagious or spread through infected people.
Viral diseases of children: Chicken pox or chickenpox, measles, rubella or German measles, herpes chimpanzee and goiter, warts, mumps, and condyloma are caused by virus infection.

In excess of heat:

In excess of heat, sprinkle water repeatedly. The blood of the human body is warm. The human body works to maintain an internal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. If the surrounding environment becomes hot then man works to remove it from his body. In that case, the heart starts sending more blood to the surface of the body and the skin. That's why many people's faces look red when it's too hot.

By all means keep your body cool. Work outside should be reduced. Stay away from the sun especially between 11 am and 3 am. This time is the hottest time of the day. Try to keep the house cool. Block out heat by using curtains. Or place objects outside windows that reflect sunlight. Drink plenty of water. Take a shower and splash water on your face and body repeatedly. Get enough rest. Wear loose and breathable clothing. Use sunglasses outside. Don't spend more than three hours a day outside during a hot summer. Go into the shade frequently during this time as well. Discard excess alcohol in race water. Take care of yourself and keep in touch with family and friends. Look out a little more for those with physical problems. Conducting online classes in schools, colleges and universities due to intense heat. Avoiding strong sunlight, using an umbrella or hat, cap can also be used. Drink more water, it is better if you can drink water mixed with salt but not more than one ounce. Consuming fruit juice is good for the body, wear cotton clothes, this type of clothes will not cause excessive sweating and help keep the body cool, and during hot weather it is better to wear white or light colored clothes instead of black or dark colored clothes, because light clothes absorb heat less. Choosing the right shoes Open shoes should be worn during hot weather, so that the feet can breathe. Leather shoes are better than cloth or synthetic ones, as they require less heat. Socks can be avoided if possible. Avoid heavy and fast food as it takes more time to digest such food. As a result, it puts extra pressure on the body and increases the temperature of the body. Oily food, meat, biryani, fast food etc. can be excluded from the food menu during summer. Instead, vegetables and fruits can be eaten more.

If you don't eat old or stale food, food spoils quickly in summer. As a result, before eating food or food cooked the previous day, check whether it is spoiled or not. Eating such food can cause diarrhea, loose stools and stomach ailments. Keeping a bucket full of water in the house is not a problem even if there is no AC. Place a bucket full of water under the fan inside the room, which will cool the room a bit. Daily bath must be taken every day during hot weather, which will keep the body cool. It is good if you can wash your hands, face and feet with water several times a day. When going out, a wet handkerchief should be kept with you, with which you can wipe your face after a while. Be careful in case of heat stroke if the body's heat regulation ability is lost in extreme heat, heat stroke can be affected. As a result, if symptoms such as muscle pain, weakness and extreme thirst, rapid breathing, headache, shivering, nausea, etc. are seen, the blood pressure should be checked and the doctor should be consulted. Avoid continuous exercise during the day, shower more than once or sprinkle water if possible, constantly monitor the color of urine, if it is yellow or dark, then increase the amount of water you drink, take care that the room environment is too hot or steamy If not, if you feel sick, consult the nearest doctor immediately.
Heat waves are definitely a major natural disaster because there is a risk to life. Various steps can be taken around cold flow. But in the case of heatwaves, no such preparation or action is observed. If it comes under disaster then various measures can be taken to reduce its risk. For those who work outside in the sun, do heavy manual labor, children or the elderly, excess temperature is dangerous in life. To reduce this risk, like other natural disasters, publicity campaigns should be initiated. Drinking water can be provided at various places like toilets. Besides, working hours can also be reconsidered. If possible, “early morning office may be, morning to 11 am. Again after 2-3 hours till night.
Avoiding direct freezer cold water. This can increase the risk of heatstroke. Also use of thermal insulation material in building housing. Apart from the health risks, there are also fears of financial losses from heatwaves. Droughts from excessive heat waves have a severe negative impact on crop production, with many African countries already affected by the heatwaves and some states in India also facing this crisis. So along with awareness, collective initiative should be taken to deal with heat waves. The internal temperature of the human body is around 37 degrees Celsius, but the cool temperature for it is between 20 and 27 degrees Celsius. And if the amount of moisture in the air is within 60 degrees Celsius, it is within the tolerance limit of the human body. But if the temperature and humidity in the air are higher than this, the human body cannot tolerate it. Then various discomforts and problems appear. Even if the temperature is more than 41 degrees Celsius, the risk of heatstroke increases. Drink water and water-based food to prevent dehydration of the body. Drinks such as water, saline, fruit juice, syrup, and dab add moisture to the body. Dehydration should be given a lot of importance. Because dehydration can lead to strokes. Along with water and water-based foods, plenty of vegetables and fruits containing water should be consumed. Fruits like watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit, and apple help to reduce body heat. Besides, eating a lot of vegetables helps digestion. It reduces body discomfort. Stay away from sunlight do not go in direct sunlight or overexercise during the time of day when the temperature is high. Watery drinks add moisture to the body. Sunlight is usually strongest between 11 am and 3 pm. If you want to go in the sun, use an umbrella, hat, shoes-sandals. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes. Take water with you before going anywhere. Avoid fried food and junk food. In intense heat fried tasty food, or junk food increases the body temperature. Foods like burgers, potato chips or pizza are high in calories, sodium and saturated fat. As a result, as the heat is more on one side, the fear of indigestion and displeasure is created in the mouth. Also, experts advise to avoid caffeinated drinks. Light, loose and light colored cotton clothes should be worn in summer. These types of fabrics absorb heat quickly and are breathable, resulting in less heating. Arrangements should be made to keep the room cool and airy. If the light in the room is low during the day, the room is cold. If there is a tree in the house, it absorbs the heat. If the floor is paved, if the room is cleaned repeatedly, the room will stay cool.

Diseases to watch out for in summer


Although diarrhea is a year-round disease, outbreaks of diarrhea are seen every year from the beginning of summer. Diarrhea is basically a stomach ailment. Diarrhea is usually caused by contaminated water or rotten food. Diarrhea causes the body to lose water and electrolytes very quickly and weakens the body. As a result, patients are at risk of death. Diarrhea especially affects children the most. According to the World Health Organization, it is the second leading cause of infant mortality worldwide. Water is more polluted during summer. Drinking it causes loose motion, diarrhea or cholera. The prevalence of diarrhea is high throughout Bangladesh. In case of diarrhoea, the patient should be given regular food saline. If necessary, IV fluid saline or medicine should be given with doctor's advice. If the patient becomes weak, he must be taken to the nearest hospital. The water and salt lost from the body in diarrhea is replenished by consuming saline. But if the patient starts vomiting, stops urinating or has a dry tongue, he should be taken to the hospital without any delay. Because then the body starts getting dehydrated.


Abdominal pain

Apart from diarrhoea, many people suffer from various stomach complications during summer. Stomach pain, suffering from hepatitis. Bacterial infection is also more common in outside food during summer. As a result, digestion problems occur, and food poisoning is more common. Food spoils very quickly during summer. Eating these rotten foods can cause diarrhea. Most of the people are affected by these diseases especially by eating open food, outside syrup, open fruit, sugarcane syrup etc. Again, the infection of flies increases a lot in summer. Food also gets contaminated through these flies. People get stomach aches after eating those foods. We have seen that diseases like jaundice or hepatitis increase during summer. People get these diseases by drinking contaminated water.

Cold-hot, cough and fever

During the change of season, many people are affected by fever, cold and cough. Basically it happens due to sudden change from cold to hot. Suddenly it started getting hot. The weather is hot outside, but many people have AC in their homes, offices, and cars. As a result, the body cannot adapt to a sudden change from cold to hot or from hot to cold. So many people get colds, coughs, runny noses, and some get fever. But this type of problem usually gets fixed after a few days. People with a history of such problems should be especially careful during this season. Many times after coming from the sun or jogging, work, go to shower. That can also cause illness. After coming from the heat, the body needs time to cool down. If you bathe after coming from the heat or the sun, you may get chills or fever. Because of this, the body has to adjust to the cold a little. It is not right to enter the AC after coming from intense heat. Also, cold water or cold food from the refrigerator cannot be consumed due to intense heat.


What should be eaten less in summer?

Spicy food: Most people of Bangladesh like to eat spicy food but should avoid eating 'roasted fish or meat' during hot season. Because this type of food takes more time to digest. If the metabolic process in the body continues for a long time, it starts to feel hot.


Eggs: Eggs are one of the ways to meet the protein needs of the body. But many people may have problems eating eggs during summer. In that case, those who have high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure can avoid eggs if they want. Instead of eggs, they can regularly have fish or chicken in their diet to meet their protein needs.

Ice cream and soft drinks: Many people think that ice cream and cold bottled soft drinks will reduce the heat. But eating them has the possibility of dehydration in the body. That is why people feel thirsty after eating ice cream or soft drinks.

Fast Food: Despite many discussions and criticisms about fast food over the years, people continue to eat burgers, French fries, fried chicken, pizza etc. But they should not be eaten in normal times, even during summer. Because these foods contain a lot of sugar and fat, it takes time to digest. As a result, they affect blood pressure, increasing inflammation.


Deep-fried food: Deep-fried food and extra-oily fried food are tasty but not good for the body. Such food should be avoided in summer. Fried food causes water deficiency in the body.


Tea-Coffee: Many people drink tea-coffee to keep the body warm in winter. So the tea and coffee which helps to keep the body warm in winter, will certainly play the same role in summer. Therefore, excessive tea and coffee should not be drunk during summer. Because the caffeine in tea or coffee dehydrates the body and raises body temperature.

Dairy Foods: Be careful about consuming milky foods like mayonnaise or various shakes during summer. Because during hot weather, bacteria in such food grows faster.


Steak: Many people like to go to restaurants and eat steak. But if the steak is not fully cooked, bacteria can remain in it. So, one needs to be careful in this regard.

Fatty foods: Who doesn't like beef, duck, and beef? But they should be avoided during summer. Because it contains a lot of fat. Also, to stay healthy you should say no to oily food like polao, biryani, tehari etc.

Excess sugar and salt: Sugar and salt, these two things are already harmful to the body. But during the summer, the extent of the damage becomes more. Eating excess sugar and salt during this time can cause discomfort in the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat packet food or processed food in summer.


Which can be eaten in summer

Less Spicy Food: While it is good to eat spicy food, less spicy food should be emphasized during hot season. Because they are easily digestible.


Vegetables: Shrimp, gourd, gourd, chichinga, sajnedanta, green stalks etc. are available for purchase. If they are cooked and eaten thinly, they will provide the nutritional requirements on the one hand, but on the other hand, they will not make the body feel hot.


Diluted Soup: Soup is jokingly called patient food. But eating 'clear vegetable' soup during summer is beneficial for the body.


Safe Water: There is no alternative to drinking safe water in summer. Because sodium and potassium are excreted from the body with sweat and urine during summer. A healthy person should drink three to three and a half liters or 12 to 13 glasses of water every day.


Bottled water: Bottled water plays a very important role in replenishing the body's water deficit and maintaining electrolyte balance. But for most people it is almost impossible to buy and eat dub every day. In that case they can drink saline water as an alternative.


Lemon water: Drinking lemon juice during hot season will relieve body fatigue. In that case lemon juice can be mixed with plain water and drunk. But those who do not have hypertension or high blood pressure, can also use a little salt for taste.


Fruits: Fruits should be eaten to meet the body's water needs in summer. Strawberries, cucumber, jam etc. can be eaten. Watermelon can be eaten as a summer fruit. Because watermelon contains 60 to 70 percent water.


Raw Mango Syrup: Raw mango contains Vitamin-C. If the raw mango is consumed as a sherbet without adding chillies, the heat can be reduced.


Sour Yogurt: Sour yogurt can be consumed daily to keep the stomach healthy. Sour curd can be eaten on its own or mixed with water. Cucumber can also be eaten with sour yogurt.


Detox Water: Detox food can be consumed after heavy meals during summer. Detox water is a drink made with water, lemon juice, cucumber, carrot, mint etc. juice.

What is good for one person may not be good for everyone. For example, many people have problems eating cucumbers. Food should be stored properly in the refrigerator during hot weather.

What to do to avoid diarrhoea?

Why does diarrhea actually occur?

The main cause of diarrhea is food contamination. Food precautions to avoid diseases like diarrhea and keep ourselves healthy. But to avoid diarrhoea, during summer one should eat healthy food along with “intervals rather than fullness”.

Bacteria in milk and rice can cause severe diarrhea. So they should be taken out of the fridge and heated to normal temperature. After eating, keep it in the fridge again. Besides, flies play a major role in spreading diarrheal infections. That's why all food should always be covered. Avoid street food like fuchka, chatpati, and lemon sorbet. In addition, other important actions to prevent diarrhea are washing hands before preparing, touching, serving and eating food, after leaving the toilet and after returning from outside. Because hands touch everything and carry the most germs. One of the most important means of transmission of diarrheal pathogens is water. So, whatever water you drink, it should be pure water.

During summer, the surrounding temperature is so high, that food can easily harbor bacteria. However, bacteria does not grow when food is at a certain temperature. When the temperature rises a little, various types of viruses and bacteria can become active. It turns out that a food is cooked in the morning, but if the temperature rises after a few hours, then the food can be affected by bacteria. It may look fresh, but inside is full of bacteria. Bacteria do not grow in food when the temperature is below 5°C and above 60°C. In this case, the food should be properly stored in the refrigerator during the summer and stale food should not be eaten at all. Even repeated heating of food causes changes in nutritional value that cannot be done. Also, always keeping food in the fridge does not mean it is safe. Bacteria can also grow in refrigerated food due to frequent load shedding. The temperature of the refrigerator should be maintained properly and food should not be left outside. However, keeping food in the fridge for a long time can reduce its nutritional value. So, we can keep food in the fridge for two days and eat it. Then it should be cooked again. However, food taken out of the fridge cannot be eaten immediately. After taking out the food, it should be heated by keeping it at normal temperature for some time. Even after reheating the food, do not eat it immediately and keep it at normal temperature and wait for a while.


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